Whiplash & Cervicogenic Vertigo

Injury victims suffering from whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) may experience vertigo or dizziness on top of more familiar symptoms such as neck stiffness and pain. On the other hand, there is significant debate regarding the connection between vertigo and whiplash-associated disorders. “The Enduring Controversy of Cervicogenic Vertigo and its Place among Positional Vertigo Syndromes” was a meta-analysis published in 2021 by a group of researchers from different...
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Most Auto Accidents Occur Between 6 and 12 MPH

Can you get whiplash 10 mph?
It’s a general misunderstanding that whiplash injuries can only occur when vehicles are travelling at high speed. Therefore, many auto accident victims suffer in silence from whiplash injuries caused at speeds of less than 10 mph.
Low Velocity Collision, accidents below 10 mph may have shown little or no damage to your vehicle due to the specific design specifications of current car companies. However, while there is no damage to the car, you could have...
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What Are Trigger Points?

What medicine is used in a trigger point injection?
A trigger point injection (TPI) is an injection that is given directly into the trigger point for pain management. The injection may be an anesthetic such as lidocaine (Xylocaine) or bupivacaine (Marcaine), a mixture of anesthetics, or a corticosteroid (cortisone medication) alone or mixed with lidocaine.
How long does it take for trigger point injections to work?
After TPIs some patients will experience immediate relief, however, it usually...
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Mid Back Pain From A Whiplash Injury

Whiplash and Mid-Back Pain – How Can This Happen? — Research regarding whiplash or whiplash associated disorders (WAD) classically focuses on neck pain; however, the data show acute thoracic spine / mid-back pain (MBP) occurs in 66% of WAD injures with 23% still complaining of chiro-trust.org
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Whiplash Injury Only Affects Your Neck Right?
One can easily picture how the neck or cervical spine can be injured in a car collision or sport-related collision as your head, weighing an...
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