Collision Injury & Concussions – New Protocols You Must Know About

Do You Have To Hit Your Head To Suffer A Concussion?
Conclusion on Concussion- You Do Not Need To Hit Your Head To Suffer Concussion
Most people as well as most healthcare practitioners are under the opinion you need to hit your head in order to have a concussion or that concussions are easily identified and also managed? You are not the only one who thinks this way. The fact remains, traumatic brain injury (TBI)– the proper term when bleeding occurs inside the skull occurs– and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)—is the correct definition when no bleeding occurs. These to scenarios remain inappropriately diagnosed by many healthcare providers. More than likely this discrepancy is due to the fact there really is no accepted definitive protocols of screening that produces a precise medical diagnosis of concussion.
Under Reporting of Traumatic Brain Injury Is Rampant In Medical Field
Another issue is the under-reporting of trauma, as near to 40% of individuals that experience an mTBI do not report it to their physician. Due to the significant unfavorable consequences relating to the end result and also entire life implications associated with concussion, the significance of enhancing the ability to identify or identify as well as deal with trauma is big!
We know that mTBI arises from the transfer of energy from environmental pressures to the brain by an abrupt acceleration immediately followed by an abrupt slowdown that literally pounds the brain into the inside skull.
The medical work-up needs to include an evaluation of body systems, with a special focus on the nervous system, consisting of cognitive as well as behavior symptoms. A partial list of post-concussion disorder signs consists of migraine, balance problems, nausea and/or throwing up, vision issues, lightheadedness, brain haze (issues with focus, focus, as well as rate of psychological processing), memory issues, fatigue/drowsiness, light/noise sensitivity, and this is just scratching the surface.
Good News For Traumatic Brain Injury Victims
On the brighter side a great number of mTBI patients completely recover, however the enigma is that up to 25% of concussion victims do not recover! Most recently breakthrough modern technologies such as Diffuse Tensor Imaging can recognize injury to the neural structures (axonal shearing) in those who have actually experienced a head trauma (such as from a cars and truck mishap, sports injury, or slip as well as fall). The Sports Concussion Assessment Device 2 (SCAT2) has been taken on by numerous sports organizations and others, however most healthcare practitioners do not utilize a structured medical device such as mentioned herein.
UPDATE: New Blood Test Sheds Light On Traumatic Brain Injury Diagnosis & Recovery
Another interesting protocol is a blood test that quantifies brain-derived Neurotropic elements (BDNF)– a chemical hormonal agent that helps keeps your (afferent) neurons healthy and functioning correctly. Blood levels of Neurotropic BDNF are low in people with TBI or mTBI, which can assist in the diagnosis of mTBI conclusively. With the advent of this specific blood test researches have discovered concussion victims with extremely low levels of BDNF are much more prone to a disappointing recovery.
In conclusion this Neurotropic blood test can assist a chiropractic or medical physician to identify the concussion, identify the intensity of the concussion, and also identify the likelihood of recovery of TBI/mTBI! Doctors of chiropractic are regularly chosen by those with TBI/mTBI as well as recognize the importance of careful management of this common condition especially following the trauma of an automobile accident, even if you did not strike your head against anything in the vehicle.

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Tags: Car Accident Brain Injury Phoenix AZ, Chiropractic And Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury And Depression, Traumatic Brain Injury Anger, Traumatic Brain Injury Causes, Traumatic Brain Injury Complications, Traumatic Brain Injury Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury Emotional And Behavioral Problems, Traumatic Brain Injury Overview, Traumatic Brain Injury Research, Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms Long Term